
  • Light As Space

    Light As Space: Marina Adams, Joanne Greenbaum, & Anne Truitt

    3.08 - 8.09.2024
    Gallery | Knokke Kustlaan
    Image of Light As Space, Marina Adams, Joanne Greenbaum, & Anne Truitt
  • Ceramics & Works on Paper

    Ceramics & Works on Paper: Picasso

    3.08 - 8.09.2024
    Gallery | Knokke Zeedijk
    Image of Ceramics & Works on Paper, Picasso
  • Castles in the Air

    Castles in the Air: Jaclyn Conley

    5.09 - 19.10.2024
    Gallery | Brussels
    Image of Castles in the Air, Jaclyn Conley