Robert Mangold United States, b. 1937
39 5/16 x 54 2/16 in
Framing Dimensions: 108 x 148 x 4 cm
Robert Mangold’s paintings explore and inhabit a mysterious and imaginary area that exists halfway between real and representational space. Comprised of only the simplest of pictorial elements, they are neither objects nor images but somehow both. They are paradoxes: pictures that hang ‘before you like a wall’, the artist has said, but which you can ‘neither enter nor treat as an object’. Instead, they ‘relate [to you] like architecture in a scale related to human size’.
Haus Weitmar, GermanyPrivate collection, BelgiumProvenance:John Weber Gallery, New YorkPaula Cooper Gallery, New YorkGalerie Meert Rihoux, Brussels 1987Haus Weitmar, Germany (?) Alexander Brotmann, AntwerpMaruani Mercier, Brussels, Knokke