Lyle Ashton Harris United States, b. 1965
70 x 137 in
Framing Dimensions: 182.88 x 360.68 x 12.7 cm
At the exhibition, Charlotte Cotton, Curator of, Public, Private, Secret, explores the roles that photography and video play in the crafting of identity, and the reconfiguration of social conventions that define our public and private selves. Within this context, our visual creations and online activities blur and remove conventional separations between public and private (and sometimes secret) expression.
The writings address the various disruptions, resistances, and subversions that artists propose to the limited versions of race, gender, sexuality, and autonomy that populate mainstream popular culture. They anticipate a future for our image-world rich with diversity and alterity, one that can be shaped and influenced by the agency of self-representation.
Public, Private, Secret - ICP : International Center of Photography, New York, June 2016 - January 2017Lyle Ashton Harris : Ombre à l’Ombre, The Warehoure by MARUANI MERCIER, Zaventem, October 2019